
About Turning The Corner

Queen Ramotsehoa’s coaching career started in 2006, when she qualified as a professional coach. It was the beginning of a powerful journey that did two things:

She started her own journey of self-discovery and self-defining. She has consciously walked this path of defining and creating clarity of what she is about, and what she wants to use her talent for. The outcome of this process delivered clarity that she is a LEADERSHIP COACH. Queen distinguishes between Executive Coaching and Leadership Coaching. For her Leadership Coaching includes coaching both executives and all non-executives including house wives and teenagers. Secondly, her personal journey hit a significant point and she conceptualised a template of conscious living themed Turning The Corner, anchored in consciousness™. This methodology takes away excuses, stereotypes and history to focus on what one wants to do and by when. She focuses on three key objectives, namely Personal Objectives, Business Outputs and Leadership Objectives.

The program delivers a “Self-Leadership and Leading Others” model that aims to support and enhance the dreams of others. It arms people with life tools and skills that enhance their existence, building strong and self-conscious characters who understand their purpose and drive. With utmost gratitude, she has been able to look back and appreciate passing the 10 year mark, and acknowledge the gift of mastery that comes with this milestone. She has experienced shifts in many clients’ lives.

It dawned on her that what she does when she wakes up every morning has led to many personal journeys TURNING THE CORNER. Using her own rich and eventful life, Ramotsehoa believes that most people don’t see or identify turning points in their lives, points that can lead them into a direction that can fulfil their potential to the maximum. She also works from the premise that most people are ambitious by nature, but don’t know how to channel/unleash that ambition. Coaching for her is the best tool to seamlessly create success.

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